Community Transformation



In our area, malnutrition is common. Children are frequently provided with junk food to satisfy their hunger. If the parent is absent during the day, the children must look after themselves. Poor nutrition negatively impacts their academic performance. These children face challenges caused by food insecurity and malnutrition. Our Grace of Calvary Lunch Program guarantees that 35 underprivileged children receive a nourishing meal every school day.

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The elderly, pregnant or disabled are also invited to eat. The food is purchased from a super kitchen owned by Outside the Bowl Ministry, where we pick up the cooked food daily and take it to our Fuentes location. The children are also given positive attention and love and we have a huge playground provided by Kids Around the World that is open daily.


We host FREE monthly medical clinics for the community at our “Fuentes” site together with the Flying Samaritans at CSULB. They serve 30 or more patients each month. The team prioritizes regular patients to oversee their medication and vital signs. Urgent Care services are available for illnesses and injuries. Patients receive medication, clothing donations, and assistance with any questions or concerns they may have. The Flying Samaritan team drives 2 hours each way plus a long border wait to return to the United States. They are a committed group of CSU students who want to make this world a better place!


Vegetables and essential food items are given to families in need. Donations of gently used clothing and sneakers are appreciated and taken to Mexico every week for distribution within the church and community. There is a particularly high demand for children's clothing, warm blankets, and jackets. New toys are distributed to over 100 children at Christmas time.


While it is wonderful to support the needs of this marginalized community, the primary focus remains on spreading the truth about God and the significance of Jesus' sacrifice for us. The youth often run a booth at the local swap meet, where they discuss their faith, distribute Bibles, prizes, and invitations to church. We organize community outreach events like Vacation Bible School for rural children and larger Community Outreaches twice per year. The congregation is encouraged to share their faith, pray with neighbors, and invite them to church.


But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect. 1 Peter 3:15


See our OPPORTUNITIES page for ideas on how YOU can get involved.

We Would Love to Have You Come Join Us!

Grace of calvary ministries

P. O. Box 2043

Lakeside, CA 92040

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