Grace of Calvary Ministries

A Bible Teaching Church

Grace of Calvary Ministries has a Bible teaching church located in an impoverished area of Tijuana, Mexico.  The church is named GRACIA DEL CALVARIO and we teach the Word of God, verse by verse and are seeing lives changed for Jesus Christ.  Godly leaders are being raised up and serving in the church and the community.

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The ministry was founded on
1 John 3:18 - let us not love in word or speech, but in action and in truth. The church is a beacon of light to to many in an area that needs HOPE. We are very involved in the community and helping with education and more.

Transforming The Community

Grace of Calvary Ministries endeavors to love our neighbors and help them with basic human needs.  Our lunch centers serve food to many children and elderly daily.  Our education program for all ages has seen great success. Our monthly medical clinics bring hope and healing. All of this is an organic approach to community transformation with God at the center. . 

Educating Kids and More

Public education in our area is marginal, and many children do not even attend school. The Grace of Calvary school program provides tutoring, uniforms, backpacks, supplies, and assistance with higher education costs for local youth.

Why there is such a need?

It is difficult to understand how life and schooling can be so different in Tijuana, only 30 minutes from San Diego. There is a big shortage of teachers, schools, and money. If a child does not have the proper paperwork they are not allowed to attend school. One in ten kids do not know how to read, write or do math. We help one child at a time to reach their potential and know God.

The Mission

Grace of Calvary Ministries exists to see families and the community strengthened spiritually and physically to become leaders for Jesus Christ in Tijuana.  The church is open every day and serves the community in many ways through their outreaches, education program, feeding program and ministry events for all ages. 

Changed by love ...

By helping the community with physical needs we are also able to meet their spiritual needs, guiding them to grow in their faith in Jesus Christ and witness the transformation that only God can do.

The Neighborhood

The ministry serves the communities in far east Tijuana where most people live in very small (300 sq. ft.) houses provided for by the various building ministries.  The average pay for a factory worker is under $4 per hour, which does not support a family of four.  Roads are poor at best; many don’t have running water or sewers and life is difficult.

The Vision

  To equip the saints for the work of ministry, to build up the body of Christ

Ephesians 4:12


the community for Jesus Christ. 


them with the Word and Discipleship so

they can minister.


them to build up the Body of Christ here, there, and everywhere!  Acts 1:8

Help Us Make a Difference!

Grace of calvary ministries

P. O. Box 2043

Lakeside, CA 92040

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